The Top 5 Ways To Beat the Heat in Nashville

Whether you are pregnant, have a small infant, a toddler underfoot, or some combination of the three, staying cool in the summer is no easy feat. Let's be honest, there is only so much locking yourself in an airconditioned house that one person can handle. Which is why we gathered some fabulous ideas to help you beat the heat this summer.


Unfortunately, for those of us in Nashville, the ocean is hardly a quick trip. Luckily we have some lovely options on Percy Priest Lake. With several easily accessible and family-friendly beaches, you can be out the door and on the water in 30 minutes or less.

If beaches are not your cup of tea, consider joining the Nashville TN Boat Club. It's like owning a boat with none of the stress and all of the convenience of staff to manage it for you.


Our city is chock full of fantastic pools and splash pad facilities. Yet we all know that a swim may not be enough to keep you cool. As always, remember to bring lots of water and set a reminder to help you drink periodically. Frozen fruit is an excellent snack to have on hand when out in the sun. It keeps well in an insulated bag and strikes the right balance of cold and sweet without reaching for the ice cream. Additionally, look for chairs or set up towels in the shade. Not only does this protect delicate skin, but it can feel 10-15 degrees cooler underneath that umbrella.

Not sure which pool to try first?

Here are a few of our favorite spots around town:

Target Inflatable Pools For Adults | Tennessee Family Doulas


Does the idea of packing up and hopping in a hot car not sound appealing? We don't blame you! With the help of Amazon and other home delivery services, you can create a charming oasis without ever grabbing your keys. Inflatable pools are no longer just for the kiddies! In addition to the summer staples, Target has created beautiful Minidip Pools that fit up to three adults! For you expecting mama's a beach chair, can fit nicely into one of these bad boys and support your back while you cool off. Grab your favorite drink, and you are all set!


Looking to get out of the sun altogether? Well, there is nothing better than a chilly, dark movie theatre as a marvelous escape. With several options for movie theatre subscriptions, you can take in a handful of movies every month, without breaking the bank.

Expecting moms, you'll definitely want to take advantage of seeing the summer blockbusters while you can. It may be a little while before you find a new normal that will allow you to get to the movies regularly. For those of you with little ones who might not be able to sit all the way through a film, we got you. Call your theatre and see if they offer a mom & baby matinee. It's a win-win for everyone.


From exceptional story times for kids to group fitness classes for the adults, your neighborhood library is not just for checking out books. Many libraries have outstanding programs to serve members of the community no matter what stage of life they are in. Equipped with lightning fast internet, it's also an excellent spot for any of you ladies who work from home but might need a change of scenery.

For those of you reading this list and feel like your hands are way too full to think about attempting any of it, we hear you. As part of our services, we'd be happy to come along as an extra set of hands while you create summer memories.

You see, supporting you during your birth journey is only one of the ways we empower moms. We know that getting out the door with little ones can be tricky when you're outnumbered or new trying to find a rhythm. Which is why we're here to help you settle in as well as get outside. If you'd like to learn more, we'd love to connect and learn how we can best support you this summer.


Tennessee Family Doulas, located in Franklin, TN is a doula agency committed to creating calm and comfort for parents and newborns. From education to placenta encapsulation, our services are built to assist in all phases of birth and postpartum.


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