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The Ultrasound

Of all the milestones of pregnancy, the 20-week ultrasound (which can take place anytime between 18-22 weeks of pregnancy) is one of the most anticipated.

It is often the first time you “see” your baby.

It is when you learn about the baby's development.

And, if it is your preference, you might be able to learn the baby’s sex. (If you don’t want to know, let your technician know immediately!)

Most people are excited and nervous about the 20-week ultrasound.

What to Expect

Like any regular prenatal appointment, dress comfortably and be prepared to put on a gown if asked. You will go into a small examining room and get comfortable on the table. An ultrasonic gel will be placed on your belly.

The sonographer will move a wand to capture many images and measurements. In addition, the ultrasound technician will listen to the heart rate, check the umbilical cord, examine the placenta, and measure the amniotic fluid.

If you want to know the sex of your baby (and if the baby is positioned correctly), the technician can let you know during the exam!

An ultrasound is safe for you and your baby.

The Results

Your provider will review the results of the ultrasound immediately. If any issues or abnormalities appear, your provider will schedule follow-up testing to confirm any diagnosis and make a treatment plan.

As always, Tennessee Family Doulas are happy and honored to walk with you through all the stages of pregnancy, labor and delivery, and your early days at home.

Our Childbirth Education Classes are an excellent way to prepare and get answers to all your questions.



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