You brought a child into the world and there is no sweeter blessing but, there is also no other time in your life where you will likely second guess every single thing that happens like you will during this time.

Is the baby ok?
Is this normal?
Am I making enough milk?
Is this safe?
Can I eat this if I’m breastfeeding?
Is my baby getting what they need?
The list is endless and the emotions are running high. You want support. You don’t even know how to express what you need but you know you need something.
Family members want to help by holding the baby, but that is not the help you need. If only you could articulate exactly what the kind of help you need is, that would really help.
Take a breath. It’s ok. We understand.


Tennessee Family Doulas intimately understands the needs of the postpartum woman and the delicate needs of the newborn. We even understand the complicated circumstances surrounding loved ones trying to help and the frustrations attached to that.
Our Postpartum Doulas are available for short shifts, daytime help, overnight support and even live in care. We use our experience and expertise to help you choose a package that suits you.
During our time with you, things will feel smoother and you will gain a sense of control. Your baby will become more predictable and you will continue to recover from birth.
Our support during this time is tailored for your family but typically includes:
Feeding support
Newborn comfort techniques
Birth recovery support
Sleep support
Meal preparation for maintaining hydration/nutrition
Product and newborn safety information
Sibling care
Light household support
And so much more
Meet with us prenatally to schedule the professional doula support that will truly make a difference!
After our initial phone call, your doula will come to your home for a consultation. This meeting gives you a chance to meet, talk about any goals you have for your postpartum recovery experience, and ask any questions you may have for your doula.
Your doula will come to your home and help you decide the schedule for support, set up your diaper and feeding stations, and discuss any specific needs that you have or tasks that you would like completed during her shifts.
Packages start at 20 hours. If you decide that daytime shifts will work best for you and your family, the shifts will be at least 5 hours long. In that time, your care will be completely custom to you. Every shift will be unique, and what you need help with on each day will be what your doula will focus on. Your physical recovery, mental health and emotional health along with your baby's care are our priorities. You will spend time talking about any questions or concerns that may have come up, and your doula will help you navigate through any choices that need to be made, with no judgment or bias attached. With our focus being your post-birth recovery, we realize that some of the household chores that stack up each day may be preventing you from resting, therefore our shifts may contain laundry, dishes, baby care, meal prep, nursery organization, baby equipment set-up, or running errands as needed.
Packages start at 20 hours. If you decide that overnight support is what your family needs, the shifts will be at least 10 hours long. In that time, your doula’s goal is to help you get sleep. When she arrives, you can talk about the day and fill her in on the details of baby’s last feeding and diapering, and then you can head off to bed. During the night, as baby is hungry, she’ll bring baby to you if you’re breastfeeding, or feed a bottle if you’re bottle feeding. Once baby is done eating, she’ll make sure they have burped, had a diaper change, and soothe them back to sleep. When it’s morning time, she can get you set up for a wonderful day. Overnight, if there are quiet tasks for her to complete, like unloading the dishwasher, washing bottles, or folding laundry, then she can do that, too. You’ll wake up refreshed and ready to enjoy another day.
Packages start at 120 hours. Some families desire to have their doula live in their home for a few days to support them through the initial transition home. This is especially true with multiples, but it is a valuable service that can work for any family. Your doula will live with your family for 5 days and support you with everyday tasks as well as baby care so that you are not alone and have an extra set of hands at all times. She will do a combination of the daytime and overnight support as described above, and will help with meal and snack prep so that your family is fully supported through this big transition. Your doula may be available to do back-to-back live-in support as long as there is a two day break between each session. If you desire 7 day live-in, you will have 2 or more doulas working with your family.
Feeding your baby will be a major focus for the rest of their lives, but in those early days, the options may seem overwhelming. Whether you choose to Breast or Bottle Feed, your doula will support your choices and help you find the methods that work well for your family. We also have a Lactation Consultant on-staff available for more in-depth support, if needed.
1 in 7 women have postpartum depression. It’s not a fun subject to talk about, but help and support is available. Our doulas have been trained to recognize the early warning signs of each perinatal mood disorder so that she can make you and your partner aware, and you can get the help that you need. You will be fully supported and cared for so that you have an empowered and successful postpartum experience.