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40 Weeks PLUS: Postdate Delivery

Another mystery of pregnancy is why some women deliver later than others. While most women deliver between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy, some will go longer than 42 weeks. This is called “post term,” which results in a postdate delivery.

Some postdate deliveries are actually just a miscalculation of the due date. This can happen if you have irregular menstrual cycles or didn’t keep a close record of your last period before pregnancy. 

Medical providers report that women are more likely to have a postdate delivery if pregnant with the first baby, have had previous postdate deliveries, are overweight, or are having a boy. Of course, those things don’t mean you will go post term. 

If measurement and milestones (like size of the uterus, first hearing the baby's heartbeat, or first feeling the baby’s movement) indicate that your baby is progressing at the normal growth rate and your pregnancy is going beyond your original due date, your healthcare provider may run some additional tests to check on the baby.  These may include extra ultrasounds, fetal movement counting, non-stress testing, checking amniotic fluid, and measuring the baby’s heart rate.

If the test reveals that it is not safe for the baby to stay in utero, your medical provider will talk with you about making a plan to induce labor or schedule a cesarean. 

Once You Go Into Labor

Once you go into labor, your medical provider will monitor your post term delivery a bit closer than a regular delivery by monitoring the baby’s heart rate and looking for any irregularities. Sometimes extra fluid is put into the uterus to cushion the baby and cord.

There are some possible complications, especially if your baby is large. You might have a longer labor, vaginal tearing, the need for assistance in delivery, or a cesarean.

Tennessee Family Doulas Can Help

If you are facing a postterm delivery or any other unique circumstance during your pregnancy, Tennessee Family Doulas would love to help you navigate with education, pregnancy support, or at-home support. Reach out to learn more about our services!


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