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9 Ways Dads Can Bond with Their Newborn

It is essential that both parents bond with the newborn. Sometimes this can be challenging for lots of reasons, but let’s look at some great ways to make it happen!

#1 Even before the new baby arrives, both parents can attend prenatal appointments together; pick out (and figure out how to use!) baby gear; and talk, read, and sing to the growing baby.

#2 After the baby is born, cuddle, making skin to skin contact.

#3 Bottle feed the baby. Or, if mom is nursing, dad can participate by bringing the hungry baby to mom, burping the baby, or putting the baby to bed.

#4 Wear the baby around the house or on outings. 

#5 Take part in the bed time routine . . . rock, sing, swaddle.

#6 Bathe and change the baby.

#7 Unless it is time to nurse, learn to soothe the baby.

#8 Keep talking, singing, and reading!

#9 Pick special rattles and toys for playtime with the baby.

What if it doesn’t come easily?

For some people, their own baby is the first baby they have held and cared for. Sometimes bonding isn’t instant and doesn’t come easily. That’s okay. Give it time. The more a dad participates in comforting, playing with, and taking care of daily needs, the deeper the bond. 

Need help?

Need help now that your newborn is home? Tennesse Family Doulas provides in-home and overnight care for you, your newborn, and your family. Our support during this time is tailored for your family but typically includes:

  • Feeding support

  • Newborn comfort techniques

  • Birth recovery support

  • Sleep support

  • Product and newborn safety information

  • And so much more

Meet with us prenatally to schedule the professional support that will truly make a difference!


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